Monday, August 12, 2019

Design paragraphs Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Design paragraphs - Term Paper Example The use of related color harmony and specifically analogous scheme makes the setting outstanding people the viewer does not have to look for many colors to appreciate. Rather, there is only one dominating color for the viewer to appreciate. 2. There is the application of balance in the arrangement of the two portraits on the way. Basically, balance ensures that when given an imaginary line and a large object is placed near the line, there should be a small object placed at the edge and away from the line but where there are two objects of the same size as seen in the portraits, they should be put at the same distance away from the imaginary centre line. Again, there is repetition and this is seen in the designs in the sofa. This is because the designs in the sofa are the same and recurring. Finally there is the principle of harmony. This is seen in the colors of the glasses on the table. All the glasses are of the same color and of the same quality – glass. For this reason, th ey give a perfect harmony. 3. Gestalt’s principle of figure grouping is seen from the law of proximity, which makes use or emphasizes on grouping of objects. From the picture given, we see the application of Gestalt’s principle of figure grouping at work in the sense that the five chairs have been grouped together in a row. Apart from the row, there is no other place in the interior that chairs are seen. The hanging lights are also grouped and put together in a row. There is also the grouping of candles on the table and these are the three major grouping seen in the interior. 4. There is the application of the element of direction in the arrangement of steps, wall climb and stair holder. The directions of these items are oblique rather than horizontal or vertical. According to Lovett (1999), â€Å"oblique suggests movement and action.† Clearly, we see the three objects referred to suggesting movement. The staircase is for instance suggesting movement from down t o top. There is also the element of value. This is seen in the lightness and darkness of colors used. Generally, colors have been used in such a way that they do not give an overly bright implication but are generally light, suggesting calmness. Finally, there is the principle of dominance in the use of colors and texture. It is seen that there is the use of very few colors and these colors are dominating the entire design. The texture of the design is also smooth and this dominates all parts of the design. 5. The colour harmony used in this interior is triadic. According to Williams (2011), in triadic, â€Å"one makes an equidistant triangle on the color wheel and uses the three colors that land on each corner of the triangle.† From the interior, we see the combination of the colors violet and green. Whereas violet has been used on the chairs, green has been used as the flower design on the tables. With reference to the color wheel, violet and green form a triangle and this makes the colour harmony triadic. With reference to the color temperature, it can be said that the color temperatures are in harmony. This is because both violet and green are cool colors. 6. The most dominant principle of design seen in the stained glass ceiling is graduation. There is a graduation of both color and light. It can seen that the color and light produced is in an aerial perspective, moving from warm to cool. The warm color is the bright light at the apex of the glass arrangement whereas the cool

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